PSA: This contains high wind and images of an old !!! 😀 Hope you all can take the joke for what it is, we know its windy, we were there, my hair was there… my hair was destroyed… at some point in 40+knot winds it doesn't matter how you shield the camera (at least what we have) its gonna have wind noise! So we are sorry, but it was either film and show you all and have wind noise, or just skip ahead a month until the winds died down… We hope you can look past it and enjoy the video for what it is – an inspirational little documentary about a girl and her boat, trying to save animals around the world!
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We hope our documentary inspires you to follow your dreams and make positive change in this world.

Thanks to our supporters who help keep our dream alive and enable us to continue our mission to deliver free veterinary care ever the wind takes us!

Lots of love,
Dr Sheddy and Head Helmsman Jim

Love and Oceans – The Dimes