There are always lots of jobs to do on a sailboat so we try to get our 3 kids involved as much as possible. When we go shopping, we try to take them with us and get them to carry some things. We always get them to help us moor up the boat and now we have started getting them to drive the boat into a mooring. There is always time for exploring and this time , we found a fancy market to hang out in.
After a while, we want to get away from it and find some places off the beaten track we can walk and think and relax. We found this place on the West coast of Mallorca, one of our favourite places on this island.
Music in this deserves a Thanks to :
“Together On Our Own” by Josh Woodward. Free download:

PLEASE NOTE: YouTube have disabled comments on most of our video blogs (and on other channels) due to safeguarding issues regarding minors on the YouTube platform. In response, we have enabled comments for these on our Facebook page and page and begun a monthly blogspot called: ‘FROM THE COCKPIT’ where we respond to comments questions and issues relating to and with kids.. and live-aboard in general.


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and items we’d LOVE to have onboard.. as soon as budget or Santa Claus allows!

Help towards the cost of travel to places further off the beaten track.. or ice cream!

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Photos/videos of far off places, our Amel, crew, and other sailing images

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▷Follow our boat on NOFOREIGNLAND: