This is Part 2 of our from Panama to the Galapagos. Along the way we got the chance to haze our kids since they’re not Shellbacks yet, like we are. Every ceremony is different, but we tried to make it fun and memorable. Not too many people get the chance to cross the equator by !



ABOUT US: We are a family of five around the world on our “dream boat,” a performance named “Archer.”

Ten years ago, before kids, we sailed a Lagoon 380 named “Honeymoon” halfway around the world to Sydney, . Along the way we shared our experiences with family and via YouTube, and by happenstance created one of the earliest sailing channels still posting. We also realized what an incredible experience we were having and that someday we wanted to do it again, only this time with our kids.

OUR BOAT is a Ferrari red Outremer 51 performance cruising catamaran. We chose this boat as it has been specifically designed for the purpose of bluewater sailing. It was designed and built to withstand the stress of “sailing multiple times around the world safely and in comfort.” And yes, she’s nice on the eyes too.

OUR ROUTE has taken us from the Boston/Cape Cod area of the United States down to the Caribbean and then through the Panama Canal. At the time of posting this we have dealt with the lock down in and are now cruising again in Free Fiji.

PLEASE COMMENT!: As a “family ,” we are required to actively monitor all comments, but we still want to hear from you. Tell us what you think!

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