A brief stopover in La Linea turned into a two week wait for a window to leave the Straits of Gibraltar. However, the time wasn’t totally wasted as we stocked up on English from Morrisons’ supermarket, did home schooling projects about the geography, history and wildlife of Rock of Gibraltar and visited the dentist. We even made some Christmas decorations and slushies from the hail that came with the frequent .

With no weather window appearing and 6m swell out in the Atlantic we decided to up with VAT free diesel before relocating further up the coast to Cadiz to give us more navigational options. However, this presented its own hazards. With recent reports of pirate activity and Orca (Killer Whale) attacks off the south coast of Spain, in the Gulf of Cadiz we were on high alert.

However, we made it to a rocky anchorage outside of Cadiz before making a mad dash for the marina in the early hours when the swell literally bounced us awake. We faced more waiting and weather in Rota before FINALLY leaving mainland Europe for the Canary Islands, heading into the North Atlantic where we discovered the forecast wasn’t as accurate as it could have been!


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