I've just heard from Ben from the Pro Marine Store who I get all my spares from & he says he has Ecoflow units in stock and will give a 5% discount for customers in the UK:) Just use the discount code: ECOFLOWFAIRISLE, here's the link to his website…

Regular viewers will know we are power challenged this season. A broken generator and an ageing AGM bank means we are in desperate need of extra battery capacity. A full refit of our power systems is coming but in the meantime we need a quick easy solution and all the research I did on self contained battery systems pointed to the Ecoflow Delta as the thing to get.

This will give me 1260Wh of extra capacity, which is 105Ah's at 12v. But it's much more than that, it has an inbuilt pure sine wave inverter, it can be charged by it's own fold-out solar panels or direct from the ships batteries. This means on days we are motoring a lot [happens all too often in the Med!] we can utilise the alternators power to charge the Ecoflow when the AGM bank reaches 80% and starts ramping down what it can take. We can also plug it into the ships system to charge on really sunny days when the solar manages to get the house bank full by lunchtime and would otherwise be wasting the whole afternoons free solar power.
On days where it's a bit overcast and the ships solar is needed for the house bank we can bring out the Deltas own fold out panels and still give it a charge.

So as you can see this little device is really versatile bit of kit, it provides all these things and is an independent system, so a belt and braces back-up should something go down on the boats system [always a idea on a boat] And just to prove that, our ships inverter has died and we are having problems getting a replacement, so at the moment the Delta is our only mains power!

That's all on paper though, we are just starting the real life testing which is what really counts, so have a look at the video to see what the initial tests go like and as always we will provide continued testing on the website http://www.sailingfairisle.com/index.html [I will create a page for the Delta in the Tech Corner section so do check back]

Just for clarity, we chose the Ecoflow Delta after a lot of research and after talking to another chanel who has one and really liked it. I talked to Ecoflow about some technical points before we bought the Delta and they offered us a unit for testing. This came with no demands on the review that we would do, all they asked was for a fair review. So this review pulls no punches and we will continue to access the Deltas performance only on it's merits as a piece of kit to have on a boat.

Ecoflow have also kindly offered a discount to our viewers using the code below:
5%-ecoflow-fair-isle [valid until 31-5-21]
