We eat a delicious dinner at the famous ‘POOP DECK' in Nassau in the Bahamas.

We discuss over dinner the effort it took to get US visas and an appointment at the American Embassy in Nassau.

We get up early and leave the harbour area of Nassau and head out into choppy waters, experiencing some ‘proper' that we felt we hadn't done for a while, Philippa gets soaking wet, after James had told her ‘don't worry about the waves', famous last words.

We arrive at the Berry islands but after trying to settle we realised it was just far too rough and with some major sailing days ahead of us we decided to pull up the anchor and find a better resting place, we find an amusement park slap bang in the middle of the !!

00:00 We arrive at THE POOP DECK
01:11 We discuss our journey to Nassau and our struggle and luck to get an appointment at the American Embassy
05:22 We get ready to leave for the Berry islands
07:53 Philippa sails us out
08:33 We change our plan as the wind and state gets rough
09:28 Philippa gets absolutely soaked as a wave came over
10:58 We arrive in the Berry islands and make a tight squeeze through Target Rock
12:00 We find a theme park in the middle of the ocean
12:53 We leave the bay at Slaughter harbour as it was just too rough and would be awake all night with major rocking
14:55 We arrive at the next bay and anchor for the night