Snow Gum – sailing Scotland with dolphins – Garcia Exploration 45


Snow Gum took us from Scotland’s Western Isles south to Bangor in Northern Island. We had a real mix of wind conditions, from comfortable sailing on a reach, a broad reach and close hauled, through to flat calm and motoring. We had lots of dolphins jostling for position in front of the bow, with some turning sideways to look up at us from just below the surface. The sunrise when we were between Rathlin Island, Islay and the Mull of Kintyre was beautiful. We’d planned to wait there for the tide to turn, but the wind picked up and we set sail through the North Channel. It was slow going until the tide turned to our favour and we made it to Bangor earlier than we’d calculated. Bangor is a great town for refilling a boat’s storage compartments with food. 🙂

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