We can fish, we can't fish, we can fish, we can't fish – WE CAN FISH!!!! whohoooooo

In this episode, we have dinner at the dockside before leaving the next day towards America

Within 10 minutes into our journey we have already caught, not 1 but 2 fish, although we are not perfect at fishing, we cannot believe our luck and we use a more humane a friend of ours told us about.

There is very little wind and have to put the sails away and motor
We have a fresh feast for lunch with the delicious Mahi Mahi we had just caught

We question our plan as all the other boats that left Westend that morning were heading in a straight line towards Hatteras, we instead had decided to head up the Gulf Stream and hopefully, get pushed along by the tide.

James wakes up to a beautiful school of dolphins

I attempt to fish on my own but get into difficulty and need to wake James up much to his disgust, only to then lose the fish which was also a tuna on the end of the line, who's fault was it!! Philippas or James'?

We realise we are moving faster than the wind

Philippa explains get diesel from jerry cans into the diesel engines on the

00:00 Start of
00:21 Philippa and James have dinner on land
04:01 We leave Westend
06:38 We catch not one but two fish, Mahi Mahi's
09:10 James enlightens me of his preferred exit strategy
10:27 Philippa cooks up the Mahi Mahi with some herbs for lunch
10:50 James gives a taste test
11:22 We discuss our sail plan as there are no other boats near us currently as we make a different sail plan through the gulf stream, unlike everybody else
13:45 James wakes up to a school of dolphins
15:57 Philippa attempts to fish on her own, but wakes James up and we lose the fish
21:12 We play a bit of Bon Jovi to attract the dolphins
24:46 Philippa explains how to fill up the diesel tanks whilst moving
25:52 Ending scenes