Big Accident – Punctured Lung – Sidelined Sailor | PIRATE SHIP S13E11


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Q: What is your back story?

A: My name is Aubrey. I was born in the sunny valley of California’s farm land and grew up loving every critter large and small that I could get my hands on (still do). In my late 20’s I moved to Austin Texas, where I met a man and fell in love. He suggested we sell all of our things and move onto a small boat. (We named our first boat “Miss Lone Star”) SO, that is exactly what we did, and six years later here I am. It was the best decision I could have ever made.

I am no longer involved with the person who introduced me to this crazy, amazing lifestyle but I will for ever be grateful that I was in the right place ant the right time and was able to find it in myself to do something that truly challenged me.

Q: What did you do before you moved onto a boat and became a “Sailing Youtuber”?

A: I am a portrait photographer by trade, which made the switch over to creating Youtube videos just a little easier. I currently buy and sell boats behind the scenes to keep the Pirate Ship in fresh varnish and crispy sails.

Q: What are your sailing qualifications?

A: I have my 50 ton USCG captains license

Q: Why did you delete the first two seasons from Youtube?

A: The long and the short of it is that, the person I was with was battling a mental illness that I was unaware of. After we broke up it was just too painful to see the videos and read the comments on social media, so I took them down. He later took his own life and looking back now the tragic story seems to make more sense to me. I recently released a video with a bit more of explanation.

Q: Where are your children?

A: My kids are getting older now, and transitioning into teenage-hood is hard enough without having to do it on social media. So, the kids and I have decided that they will stay out of the films and off of social media as a whole to foster healthy mental development as they grow into young adults.

Q: How many boats do you own?

A: I have three boats at the moment. The Pirate Ship, a 1977 Formosa 51 that I plan to keep and sail around the world. Little Miss a 1976 2-29 Cal, this is the boat that I started my journey on my own with and just haven’t had the heart to sell. My current boat flip is located in Mexico and is a 1985 Lancer 39 motor sailor we call Murphy. More on my boat flips here:

Q: What is Vimeo and why are you on it?

A: Youtube has restrictions on skin and Vimeo does not. I totally understand that Youtube needs to be a safe place for all, and that many people associate bare skin with xx and I do not. In my little floating world I have done my best to normalize the human body, which is why we are moving towards an almost all girl crew, in the seasons to come. We LOVE Youtube and will be keeping it clean and safe for all the watch HERE and will take our free spirited approach to VIMEO

Camera Gear
Small camera
Big Camera
Go-to Lens
Everyday tripod

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