
S2#14. The Agony and the Ecstacy – We see our New Leopard 45 for the first time


@Barefoot Doctors Sailing – Come Barefoot with us as we see our new Leopard 45 sailing catamaran for the first time. It is on show at the Grande Motte Multihull Show in South France and the experience is amazing! Join us as we explore every nook and cranny of the new boat….

At the same time we experience this ecstasy, we are also having the agony of dealing with insurance companies that are blocking payments and heading down legal paths. Not only does this increase costs directly but any chance of any payout has the potential to be delayed for a LONG time… We are applying legal pressure as the matter seems relatively simple on the surface but it raises concerns about underlying issues and doubt about how this will be resolved…

We share how we handle the bad stuff so it does not infiltrate or infect the good parts of our lives. It is possible to have extreme happiness and extreme unhappiness simultaneously but the key is to ensure that you live with the feelings from the good side of your life and not the terrible side… Learn how here – very interesting!!!

Binge watch and come barefoot with us as we travel and explore the planet, mostly from the water but sometimes through the minds of others as we provide aid and support where needed through the amazing TUFMINDS solutions!

The free TUFMINDS program is released as a smartphone program under the Exqisit Life Foundation Charity, a registered not for profit and requires financial support to fund the free program. TUFMINDS saves lives by intervening at the point of suicide and pulling everyone to higher levels of mental resilience, wellbeing and functioning. it also creates better attitudes, resilience and coping – all very important for sailors facing difficult situations at sea.

@Barefoot Doctors Sailing
Donations to the charity to support Suicide Prevention with the free TUFMINDS program can be made at:
For more info:
TUFMINDS app – in App Store

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