
S2#24. OH NO – Another Fire Aboard!!!!


@Barefoot Doctors Sailing – Come Barefoot with us as we sail on our Leopard 45 catamaran from Porto Azzuro, Elba in Italy, dive plane wrecks and sail over to Giglio.

We are faced with an open fire on the transom of a motorboat just 20 metres upwind of us and an anchorage and have to struggle to ensure the safety of our boat. Embers were flying up into the air towards us and we could not believe that anyone would do this on a boat!

Later that night we are also faced with large swell in the anchorage and multiple boats dragging anchor in this poor holding site.

See the footage of the boat wreck 15 metres under water and David catching his first fish. Captain’s tips this time is about changing sail area with the greatest of ease and how to rig the Genoa for downwind goose winged sailing. Enjoy!

Binge watch and come barefoot with us as we travel and explore the planet, mostly from the water but sometimes through the minds of others as we provide aid and support where needed through the amazing TUFMINDS solutions!

The free TUFMINDS program is released as a smartphone program under the Exqisit Life Foundation Charity, a registered not for profit and requires financial support to fund the free program. TUFMINDS saves lives by intervening at the point of suicide and pulling everyone to higher levels of mental resilience, wellbeing and functioning. it also creates better attitudes, resilience and coping – all very important for sailors facing difficult situations at sea.

@Barefoot Doctors Sailing
Donations to the charity to support Suicide Prevention with the free TUFMINDS program can be made at:
For more info:
TUFMINDS app – in App Store

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