Sailing to Mazatlan (+ we save Puppies whose legs were eaten by rats!): Chuffed Adventures S5Ep9

Sailing to Mazatlan (+ we save Puppies whose legs were eaten by rats!): Chuffed Adventures S5Ep9

This is the story of the world’s only sailing veterinary clinic. Help us continue to provide free veterinary care by becoming a Patron or donating, Patrons get early access to ad-free videos and weekly live updates. Patreon Link:
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We lift anchor in Isla Isabella and head to Mazatlan, with the sails up we were going fast! We also save some puppies whose legs were eaten by rats and host a mini-spay campaign.

00:00 Episode Summary
00:35 Departing Isla Isabella
01:30 The sail plan
03:05 Sails Up!
08:46 Middle of the night, prop tangled!
10:51 Made it to Mazatlan
12:10 Rats at these puppies paws!
13:10 Spay and Neuter at the cruise terminal
14:39 This was a bit unusual
17:00 Outro

Thanks to our supporters who enable us to continue our mission.

Lots of love,
Dr Sheddy and Jim

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