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A number of you have been asking us for a walkthrough to show all the progress we've been making so far!

At first it seemed like nothing much was happening to even show, but after scrolling through a few of our videos from last summer, I had to do a double take at all the changes which have been made since we were putting the daggerboard cases in last June/July.

Neither of the hulls had been built out between bulkheads 5 and 6, plus the bridge deck was just an empty space. So, when you look at it that way, it does feel like accomplishments are being made.

Join us through this journey of we are at the moment (very up to date, this was filmed two days ago, lol), where we were last time at this year, and also what we're aiming to achieve in the end.

Let us know your thoughts on our progress and if you can tell some of the differences already between our and the completed hull 4.

We hope you enjoy!