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๐ฑ Calling all SEA PEOPLE! Join our voyage in REAL TIME today: https://seapeopleapp.com/download?utm_source=SLV&utm_medium=youtube
โต You can read Rapido Trimarans Statement about our last episode here: https://rapidotrimarans.com/rapido-trimarans-statement-regarding-issues-raised-in-sailing-la-vagabonde-video.html
๐๏ธ BOOK A TRIP with VagabondeAdventures:
๐จ For more info, email Jack at: info@vagabondeadventures.com
๐ Want more (AD FREE) content from us? JOIN OUR CREW on Patreon for previews of future episodes and regular live streams to chat with us in real time http://bit.ly/SLVPatreon
๐ Grab yourself some VagaBella Swim! NEW COLLECTION just launched at: https://vagabellaswim.com
๐ ELAYNA’S BOOK FOR SALE: (Grab your copy of The Little Sailor’s ABCs!)
๐ Elayna’s NEW BOOK ‘First Mate Lenny’ : https://www.penguin.com.au/books/first-mate-lenny-9781761341175
0:00 – Start
0:05 – Welcome Onboard
1:45 – Sailing our Dinghy
4:00 – Rainy Days Onboard
5:15 – An Update from Riley
7:56 – Emptying our Boat
14:45 – At Our AirB&B
17:05 – Planning for Typhoon Season
18:18 – Weigh-in Day
22:55 – Problems Arise
25:35 – Fixing our Dingy
26:08 – Updates from Jai
26:55 – Busy Days in the Bay
28:31 – Sickness Onboard
29:40 – Jaiโs Leaving
31:10 – Meet Carine
31:30 – Sailing to Japan!!
IG: @hudson_animation
Website: https://www.hudson-animation.com/
What products do we use?
What cameras do we use?
BIG CAMERA: http://amzn.to/1t6fAfY
OTHER BIG CAMERA: http://amzn.to/2rybQE2
HANDY CAM: http://amzn.to/25KvT0x
GOPRO: http://amzn.to/1t6haPc
DRONE: http://amzn.to/2ooXPLs
What software do we use?
Premiere Pro https://adobe.ly/2vzkB2I
Predict Wind http://bit.ly/PredictWindForecasts
๐จ A massive thanks to all the creators who’ve kindly supported this episode with their content, obtained under fair use.