This is the story of the world’s only sailing veterinary clinic. Help us continue to provide free veterinary care by becoming a Patron or donating, Patrons get early access to ad-free videos and weekly live updates. Patreon Link:
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This episode home is where we anchor it, with some stunning scenery to relax in after a busy few weeks helping the animals of the Sea of Cortez.
00:00 Intro
00:33 Recap since leaving La Paz
06:35 Heading north
11:28 Anchored in Candeleros Chico
12:25 Amazing drone shots
14:11 To Candeleros
16:12 Anchored in Candeleros
16:55 Heading to Puerto Escondido mooring field
18:01 On the mooring ball
Thanks to our supporters who enable us to continue our mission.
Lots of love,
Dr Sheddy and Jim