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πŸ’₯ Check out my limited edition print run at http://art.alluringarctic.com . ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL END OF JANUARY 2025. There’s a beautiful shot from this video as well!

πŸ“ Research: Sea ice choke points reduce the length of the shipping season in the Northwest Passage https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01477-6


On this 8th leg of our Northwest Passage attempt we sail from Iqaluktuuttiaq towards Larsen sound, which is still blocked by ice…

πŸ’₯ These videos are crowdfunded! You can support the creation of the videos on Patreon:
Patrons get access to ad-free videos, early releases, WhatsApp chat group and occasional live streams. But most of all you support the creation of these videos. Thanks for your consideration!

πŸ‘• Organic t-shirts & hoodies + stickers: https://alluringarctic.myspreadshop.com/

β›΅ Northwest Passage full playlist:

β›΅ Northwest Passage full playlist of ad-free videos for patrons: