Should we start the Sailing Doodles Marina and Bar? We said goodbye to a few crew and then sailed to Spanish Cay. It is a great resort and has a good bar and marina and we think it would be a great place for the Sailing Doodles bar and Marina. What are your thoughts? Leave us acomment below!

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Lucky Man (2012 Remaster) by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, License ID: bxe7zO2xD3Q
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🎡 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Talk to Me by Stevie Nicks, License ID: jyrG6gWpb64
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🎡 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Clocks by Coldplay, License ID: w0JK2OYveD4
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