Being co-owners of a small business has been an absolute whirlwind of ups and downs, but we have done some upgrades and wanted to give our kiwi friends an opportunity to grab a mad deal this weekend with our new brass sprayer bucket packs. Salt shark can be used on any surface that gets salty, even coastal houses or cars, and you won’t find a more affordable product on the market. Period. Here’s our website:

We have sent thousands of liters of salt shark to the USA and Australia so should be set up soon for all of you guys who have been messaging about getting your hands on some over there. The undercarriage car cleaner will be super exciting for a lot of you who live in areas where they salt the roads as well.

Huge thanks to all of you who have bought our product, as we have spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get set up round the world. Hopefully one day we can actually make money and all of this will be worth it! Much love, Colin and Taylor. 🧂 🦈