Exploring #uncharted waters to deliver #veterinary care to #animals
This is the story of the world’s only sailing veterinary clinic. Help us continue to provide…
This is the story of the world’s only sailing veterinary clinic. Help us continue to provide…
Join our family of seven as we share the challenges and joys of living aboard a…
We’re changing the standing rigging on an Oyster 485. This is normally a THREE DAY job,…
Shooting the Gap! Cape Upstart has some rocks on the corner, we shot the gap and…
Will Jason’s culinary skills sink or swim? Get a 1 year supply of vitamin D3+K2 &…
Join our Patreon : www.patreon.com/BarefootDoctorsSailing – from $3/episode The exciting news is that the first time…
We sail our Catamaran to a remote island in the abacos of the bahamas where we…
LOVE THE VIDEOS? Best way to support this channel: https://www.patreon.com/nahoa SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER:https://sailingnahoa.substack.com OUR…
Get a ticket to our homecoming in Auckland here! https://rayc.co.nz/event/parlay-party/#tribe-tickets__tickets-form In this episode Katie and Zoe…
Our boat was robbed!….Our RV needs solar panels and batteries, and we know exactly where we…
Exploring Canada! This week we experiment many things for the first time and we got to…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-_h2Qy63II We only have one shot to get this right. Once we hit the record button,…
Bringing Yabá from wreck to dreamy! Episode 160In this episode of our boat restoration, we finally…
Thanks for watching! Please subscribe and leave a comment ⛵️ To support our work ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/sailingrubyrose…
This is the scene we stumbled upon, and how it all ended up with some creative…
Join us in this weeks Sailing Sunday travel vlog as Ryan solo sails up the east…
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel 🎉. Get up to 60% OFF…
#sailing #solosailing #maxspeed Sailing on my own to Darwin today. Not much wind so I decided…
Thanks to Kamikoto for sponsoring this video! Get an additional $50 off on any purchase with…
Departing the Whitsundays and sailing north up the eastern coast of Australia to Cape Gloucester. Before…
Check out our new merch store here! http://ransailingstore.com Support our production and join the RAN Sailing…