Our LAST Adventure in Turkey – and setting of Sailing Blue Horizon in GREECE. In this episode we say goodbye to Turkey do one final sail in turkey and cross Sailing into Greece, We are sailing blue horizons and love the experience of sailing the Mediterranean sea again. Although the first 24 hours of Sailing Mediterranean and the real family sailing experience were challenging. We really had to get into the rhythm of being on the ocean again (see also Rianne her first letter in the community tab). We felt extremely excited, the feeling of being a family sailing around the world and living on a sailboat is really mesmerizing. And not to forget sailing coast of Greece, what beautiful sights. We love living on the sea, our sailing life, a simple life. Just to move by the wind. And our sailing boat Beneteau 57 did amazingly well.

Hope you will enjoy this episode of our sailing family vlog.

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Love you guys! Thanks for watching & Feel the Breeze

Benjamin, Rianne & Gerben

Feel the Breeze family | a business couple exploring the world with their kid | sailing family exploring the world


🎥 Filming: Rianne & Gerben
🎬 Editing: Pedro Wessels
🎼 Music: Epidemic Sounds – https://bit.ly/2JtnQEN

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FtB journal: enabling you to reach your most preferred lifestyle | from dream to reality – coming soon

Our gear and favorite products:
▸ GoPro hero 8 https://amzn.to/2WrhgSq
▸ GoPro hero 9 https://amzn.to/2KAseT0
▸ GoPro Max https://amzn.to/2KCKtXV
▸ Canon 5D – Mark 2 https://amzn.to/3p5p60n
▸ Rhode mic https://amzn.to/2LGlof9
▸ Rode NT-USB mic https://amzn.to/34tsaLN
▸ AT2020 USB mic https://amzn.to/2WvJqvG
▸ Maverick DJI Drone https://amzn.to/3nDaeGm
▸ Headset – Sony https://amzn.to/38gTb6p

All of our favorite products – https://bit.ly/2VzO1MO

▸ SUPER B (Batteries): http://bit.ly/3cMj6GN
▸ RAYMARINE (Electronics) http://bit.ly/3rwzgrU
▸ ANCORA (Healthy lifestyle): http://bit.ly/39So03a

For the full list of Collaborating Partners, check our website:

Our Editor: Pedro Wessels
Instagram | https://bit.ly/33LMvvH
YouTube | https://bit.ly/33MadaW

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