We never imagined our day would take this turn when we woke up. After navigating out of the lagoon, dodging coral bommies at low tide, things quickly took a turn. A part broke on the daggerboard—ripping currents, tides, and winds causing the chain and boat to act unpredictably, and to top off the day, the bilge alarms went off, and water began flooding the boat.

Fortunately, the broken piece on the daggerboard was fixable. With the tide ripping, we decided to pull anchor, and the 2x 500gallon bilge pumps were able to keep up with the ingress of water while Sam tackled and fixed the issue. Despite the chaos, we made great timing, had a fantastic sail, and, thankfully, all the excitement was fixable!
Ahoy! We’re the James Family, a trio sailing around the globe and sharing our family-friendly adventures every week! Sam hails from New Zealand, while Cait is from the United States; we met in Cairns, Australia. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we eloped, and a year later, our family grew with the arrival of Charlie! In 2022, we took the leap to follow our dream, sold everything, and bought an old, unfinished aluminum catamaran. Now, we’re fixing her up as we explore the world. Subscribe and join us on our journey!

If you missed last week’s episode, watch it here: https://youtu.be/IXcZziaMaas
Boat tour of our Aluminum Catamaran: https://youtu.be/RhyaasimV9M

Chapter Content:
0:00 – Welcome Aboard
01:16 – Dodging Bommies
07:59 – Setting Sails
08:48 – Broke Daggerboard
12:12 – Bundaberg Shuffle
15:25 – Water Flooding In
20:56 – End Credits

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Thanks for watching!
— Sam, Cait, & Charlie

#SailingFamily #Sailing #Aluminumcatamaran