We were sailing up the ICW when we found doezns of of derelict boats tied up in the mangroves. We really don’t know what that is all about!

For more information about the NEEL 43 head over to performance yacht sales https://get.pyachtsales.com/neel-43/

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Traveller by Chris Stapleton, https://lickd.lnk.to/1HXQSdID License ID: Rk0EXJoXbBa
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🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Left Hand Free by alt-J, https://lickd.lnk.to/wZM32jID License ID: Eq2WlZXmjDK
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: https://app.lickd.co/r/a07588e19c574b7fa3ebce745124422c
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Lay Lady Lay by Duran Duran, https://lickd.lnk.to/ADnBETID License ID: aZKEGbjB0kM
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: https://app.lickd.co/r/a07588e19c574b7fa3ebce745124422c
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Stubborn Love by The Lumineers, https://lickd.lnk.to/BLBg7RID License ID: ovka2zY5K4B
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: https://app.lickd.co/r/a07588e19c574b7fa3ebce745124422c