SSL592 ~ preparing for whatever happens next..
Come and join us realtime at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/SSLBackstagehttp://www.instagram.com/SailingSophisticatedLady Help support SSL videos at:http://www.patreon.com/SailingSophisticatedLady Visit Meghan and Alex’s…

Snow Gum – Fuel Filter Change – Garcia Exploration 45
Carolyn did a great job of filming while also helping me like a theatre nurse, as…

Entering Baja MEXICO! – Onboard Lifestyle ep.180
We are OFFICIALLY in Baja Mexico! The crew is so happy and excited to finally be…

How SAILING helps you LIVE in the NOW. (Part 6 of 6) SV Delos Ep 344
Sailing brings people together in the most wonderful ways, and can help you to live in…

Spontaneous Reef Stop Delivers the Goods! (Sailing Popao) Ep.71
We head back out to explore more of the reef, find some Dogtooth Tuna & Spanish…

Sailing in ROUGH SEAS to The Bahamas. Is this our first PIRATE EXPERIENCE?!! [S2:E65]
Hello Everyone! We finally say goodbye to the Dominican Republic and sail back to The Bahamas,…

It’s our last days in the Caribbean in what’s been a beautiful sailing odyssey over the…

If you enjoyed our video and want to get to know us better please check out…

Canary Islands – Graciosa to Tenerife – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.235)
Cruising through the Canaries without a main towards Marina Santa Cruz on Tenerife from where we…

All-In-One Power Solution for Life At Anchor – EcoFlow DELTA Power Station | Wildlings Sailing
When at anchor, this magnificent beast is always plugged in. it’s become a part of our…

We left a CRACK in our SALVAGE SAILBOAT! (ripping apart the galley) | Expedition Evans 62
Faking Luxury with our 50 foot salvaged yacht. Yeah that sound about right! HA!Totalboat helped us…

Ep. 325 The ship is taking on water as a storm approaches – Adventuring in the Caribbean
If you would like to support with single donations click here – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky New crew that…

Flashback to Life Aboard in Winter 2021
Woah… where did this year go? Around this time last year our boat was uninhabitable and…

Fixing our Broken Feathering Prop… What went wrong??? Ep 250
Safely back to port, lets pull apart this prop and see what went wrong! https://www.sailingnandji.com In…

All episodes of Teen Yacht Tuesday are created exclusively by Jack, Finn, & Kate (with a…

My FIRST SAILING RACE & Our FINAL SAIL in Venice Family Sailing Vlog
My FIRST SAILING RACE & Our FINAL SAIL in Venice – join us in this new…

Sailboat adrift for 5 weeks, recovered then SUNK!(Learning By Doing Ep157)
On route from Indonesia to Darwin, Australia this Tayana 37 ran into problems and the decision…

5 months away from our SAILBOAT.. 😳 (Life possessions in boxes, mould & cockroaches)!
#324 Preview our episodes early, bonus videos and join us on live streams every month! Check…

A Very Expensive Mistake | Sailing Ruby Rose
Don’t you hate it when your day is going so incredibly well, the sun is shining,…

SSL591 ~ SMOKERS..!!
Sorry this video was meant for Sunday release to give something chill to watch on a…