I put HOLES in our HULL (boat work with JADE) | Expedition Evans BONUS
Follow Jade on Instagram: @jadexploringhttps://www.instagram.com/jadexploring/ With Brett off to his other work, it’s boat building with…
Follow Jade on Instagram: @jadexploringhttps://www.instagram.com/jadexploring/ With Brett off to his other work, it’s boat building with…
There’s been YET ANOTHER DELAY with our container, so we’ve decided to do some sailing in…
We eat a lot of fish on board s/y Sylvia and here’s a few tips that…
We’ve heard so many great things about Swedish sailboats, and in particular that the Najad 370…
Join the RAN Sailing crew ~ for Q&A’s, exclusive content, livestreams & morehttps://www.patreon.com/ransailing We are a…
Attaching your anchor properly to your chain can be easily overlooked and often results in this…
↓ JOIN THE UMA NATION ↓For weekly behind-the-scenes, early videos, and bonus content. ▸ https://www.sailinguma.com/uma-nation ↓…
This week we’re checking out a Shannon 43, the biggest sailboat on our list, to see…
Help support SSL videos at: http://www.patreon.com/SailingSophisticatedLady To all those contributing to our ongoing project list for…
We sail but end up seasick, lose couple fenders to a winter storm and spend some…
Is our 78HP engine strong enough to tow another sailboat? This is the question we asked…
It’s the middle of winter, blowing 40knots, our engine is in pieces, Ryan is making a…
Woop Woop! I can’t believe this is video #300!! What a journey it’s been, from newbie…
🏝️’THE GREAT ADVENTURE’ Ep: 8🏝️ After 2 weeks at sea we find an uninhabited island that…
Almerimar has been our ‘Hotel California’ for the last two years – every time we check…
We had a hand full of request for a tour that showed every little nook and…
All episodes of Teen Yacht Tuesday are created exclusively by Jack, Finn, & Kate (with a…
⭐️ The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare…
Can you tell we are excited to be back sailing, living, and adventuring on a boat…
This week we’re sailing along the coast of France, towards a charming medieval town called Concarneau-…
We sail to paradise in Belize. An Island called Coco Plum Caye. It is such a…